Kehaulani means "Raindrops from Heaven" and that is what my grandaughter is! She has a smile that brightens up my day no matter what it is that I may be feeling at the time. When I'm sick, she's there to comfort me and show me her love.
It was just two and a half years ago that my daughter and I had this conversation. My daughter at the time was 20 yrs old, single, and living at home. She had called me on the phone and had asked me how I felt about her being pregnant. She wasn't sure what she should do because the guy she was dating she liked, but wasn't really serious with. I told her that no matter what she needed to keep the baby, and that I would help her through her pregnancy. As a mother it was shock to be hearing this on the phone! I never imagined that I would be hearing this from my only child! I knew how she was feeling because I too had been in this situation when I was younger and had not made the right decision. I chose to have an abortion. At the time, I thought it was the easiest thing to do but it was the wrong thing to do and I realized it years later. I didn't want my daughter to have to go through the guilt and regret that I had felt for all those years! God loves us unconditionally, this means even with all of our faults! There is no condemnation and judgement with God because he forgives us and loves us even when we can't! "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" 1John 1: 9
Thank God my daughter listened to me and decided to keep my grandaughter! She is the love of her life, and she has told me that she could never imagine life without her! We are not alone because our God is here for us, just as the 2 women who created this blog are! We can pray together and let God's Holy Spirit to guide and help us to get through whatever difficulties we maybe facing. May God's peace fill your hearts! Me Ke Aloha!!!
What a beautiful testimony! Praise the Lord for helping your dtr make that choice. How many are out there not ever having the ability to hold, hug, & love upon a special Kehaulani. Thank you for sharing this!